
Tag: goal setting

My Word of the Year is REJUVENATE, and I Don't Yet Feel Rejuvenated

My Word of the Year is REJUVENATE, and I Don't Yet Feel Rejuvenated

As election season was wrapping up last fall, I remember telling a biz buddy that I was feeling burned out. I do a lot of work for political candidates, and 2024 was a busy election year.

But as I thought about it more and talked it through, I realized I wasn't really burned out. I love what I do, and 2024 was about as exciting a year as one could ask for politically.

Rather, I had become bored.

I wasn't bored by the work I was doing. I was bored by what I wasn't doing.

Because so much of my effort was spent on political clients, out of necessity I wasn't leading as many online masterminds. I wasn't recording podcast episodes (although there are a variety of reasons for this, but that's a subject in and of itself). I wasn't brainstorming or innovating. Things felt repetitive. I felt a little like I was on autopilot (which is fine, of course, but when it makes one feel bored, things obviously need to change). I wasn't challenging myself enough. I wasn't pushing my limits.

With all of that in mind, I decided to choose a Word of the Year for 2025. I chose REJUVENATE because I felt like I didn't need to completely revamp or rework everything in business; I just felt like it all needed a little breath of fresh air. 

Enter 2025.

It is mid-March as I write this, and I don't yet feel rejuvenated. Personally, I do. I've taken breaks, gone on trips, cleared my mind, and had some fun. That's all great. Professionally, however, I have not yet reached the point of rejuvenation.


What needs to happen to achieve this year's goal word?


1. I need to schedule a few brainstorming days, and block everything else out of my calendar on those days. Then I need to do the brainstorming. I need to think through what aspects of professional life I want to refresh.

2. I need to schedule a few work days, and block everything else out of my calendar on those days. Are you sensing a pattern? These things need to be scheduled, and any distractions must be eliminated. Then I need to get to work implementing the decisions I make.

3. I need to ax some things. There are things on my calendar that need to be cleared out before I can add to it. I need to do this soon, or it will be August and I'll be writing this very same article once again.

If you chose a Word of the Year, I'm telling you right now that the year is young, and you still have plenty of time to achieve your goals. I'm also telling you right now that you'll have to be purposeful about doing so. 

We both will.

So let's step up to the starting line, shall we? Let's schedule time to work toward our goals, and then let's start running this race.

Let's actually do the thing. Let's reach the finish line before this year ends.

2025 is my year to rejuvenate. What will this year be for you?



Carrie Sharpe is a Communication Consultant, Speaker, and Co-Owner of He says, She says. She is also Co-Host of the Speaking with Ryan & Carrie Sharpe podcast. Carrie earned her degree in Political Science and Psychology from Lake Superior State University. With over twenty-five years of experience and training, Carrie coaches clients in communication and public speaking skills. Carrie is a Huffington Post Contributor and has been quoted in a variety of publications including Forbes, Business Insider, and Bustle. Recently she served as Communications Director for the successful campaign of a candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives. Carrie and her husband, Ryan, reside in northern Michigan and have five children.  


Are you considering utilizing public speaking to maximize your business or brand? Don't waste time wondering where to speak, which topic to speak on, and how to profit from speaking. Click here to sign up for a 60-minute Strategy Session with Carrie to build a framework for your public speaking success!