You Don't Have to be a Hot Mess to Connect with Your Audience
I'd really like to know who decided that the only way to be relatable is to be a hot mess.
Suddenly I see photos in my newsfeed of women who look like they just rolled out of bed trying to sell me their professional products and services. Piles of filthy laundry. Dirty dishes stacked in the sink. Messy hair. Messy house. Messy life.
Um, no, thanks.
I understand the thought process behind it... no one wants to buy from someone who seems perfect. We want people to be genuine and real.
But must "real" equal "hot mess?"
I don't think so.
As a woman in her forties who has a marriage of over twenty years, professional career, and older children, I am not a hot mess most days. I can't be. People rely on me to be professional and get things done thoroughly. My house can't look like a bomb went off, I can't show up at networking events wearing sweats and a tank top, and I need to be on time for meetings.
Hot mess won't cut it in my life.
I'm nowhere near perfect, but I'm not a disaster, either. So when I see women selling themselves as a hot mess, I can't relate. I don't equate "hot mess" with "professional."
I don't need perfection, but I do need professional.
I relate to professional. It connects with me. I look to people who are competent, educated, established, and have their stuff together for the most part.
So allow me to reassure you: If you've seen those "hot mess" posts/ads/videos and felt pressure to do the same in order to connect with your audience, it's not necessary to be a hot mess to connect with your audience. Think it through carefully first.
Is "hot mess" really you?
Is "hot mess" how you want to be known?
Who's in your audience... do they really relate to "hot mess?"
"Hot mess" marketing may work in some industries, but it doesn't work in all. Don't feel pressure to be someone or something you're not. Be you, and connect with your audience in your own way. No hot mess required.