Mayor to Mayor
By Ryan Sharpe
I was The Mayor.
Not officially, of course.
But during my college hockey career, The Mayor became my nickname because I was known to take forever getting out of the rink after every game because I took my time shaking hands with fans and signing autographs for little kids.
I did it because I love people. I love interacting with them and learning about them. It makes me feel good to make someone else feel special or important.
So I became known as The Mayor.
Our son, Maguire, recently attended a robotics engineering camp at our college where I was once The Mayor.
On the second day, he texted Carrie to tell us how he had befriended the entire hockey team when he saw them in the cafeteria and how they were now asking to see his robot videos at each meal.
The Mayor.
It's clear that my love of people has been passed on to Maguire. Of all the traits he could get from me, both good and bad, I'm glad he got this trait. It will serve him well. Befriending others, accepting them, and appreciating them is so very important.
Especially in the world we live in today.
Parents, take the time to teach your kids how to build relationships. Teach them to value others and to be a "good-finder." Teach them to put down their phones and have real-life, face-to-face interactions with other people. Teach them how to make friends and how to be a good friend. Teach them to get out of their comfort zone.
And we need to lead by example.
Mayor to Mayor.