025. You Should Be On A Podcast
In this conversation, we talk about how Ryan found an amazing metal detector through a metal detecting podcast, which is an example of how podcasting can benefit your career or business. You'll learn how being a guest on a podcast expands your audience, grows your know-like-trust factor, and establishes your expertise without ever leaving home!
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During this conversation, Carrie talked about Angie Trueblood. As a podcast visibility expert and host of the Go Pitch Yourself podcast, Angie Trueblood knows that the only 'perfect pitch' is the one that leads with value and focuses on building a genuine connection. Whether she is teaching entrepreneurs how to pitch themselves or working behind the scenes to secure opportunities for others, Angie leverages her super-connector powers to grow businesses and build long-lasting relationships. Connect with Angie at www.AngieTrueblood.com.